A Message From Dr. Helen This month some of us celebrated International Women’s Day. In recent years I’ve attended a conference for women in business but this year I had so many interesting projects and commitments on the go that I could not attend or participate. As much as I appreciate the occasion, I can’t help but wonder if the pendulum is swinging too far … and thinking of the many wonderful men in our lives and how I hope they don’t feel neglected or left out. Now that it’s March, it’s natural to start thinking about spring cleaning. Often this means purging basements, closets, and garages but what about spring cleaning our professional lives? More specifically, this could mean getting organized, setting goals and going after the new job, the promotion, etc.
Surviving in Interesting Times: The Multigenerational Workforce
This is the first time in history that the multigenerational workforce includes four different generations: Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and the first members of Generation Z are now colleagues. Diversity and inclusion efforts now need to add in the realities of “age diversity.” So, how do you navigate such interesting times in your multigenerational workplace? For older workers, these changes may be happening more quickly than they’d like. READ MORE
The Workplace Bait-and-Switch: Is it Happening to You?
Have you ever been lured into accepting a promising job that ended up being entirely different once you got started? It’s a common concept that cuts across domains. It’s called ‘the workplace bait-and-switch.’ READ MORE
Could a PhD be Holding You Back? My Top 4 Tips
It’s counter-intuitive. Your PhD should be an invincible asset, yet without some finesse, your PhD could be a barrier. In this AudioBlog post, Dr. Helen shares some ideas and strategies on how to use your degree to your advantage. READ MORE
I’m happy to announce that I’m now taking new clients for Spring 2020! If you’re new to career coaching, I always offer a free 15-minute initial phone consultation. This gives us an opportunity to get to know each other a little and offers an opportunity for you to get comfortable before we really dive in. Here’s what you can expect from a consultation with me: Someone who listens carefully to really understand your situation. Thoughtful insights to help you achieve your next career move – whether it’s a new job, a promotion, or self-employment. An objective “sounding board” when trying to evaluate your career options. Professional advice on how to prepare for an interview and land your dream job. Friendly reminder: If you work for the public service, my services are often covered as part of annual training or an individual professional development plan. Let’s chat! ‘Listen’ to the blog, on the go! I’m excited to share that my AudioBlog playlists are now available on mobile, so you can listen to the blogs, no matter where you are! I’ve created two playlists— one of my top 10 most popular blogs and another which is a compilation of blogs that are geared toward women and other underrepresented groups. You can now listen whenever you want — whether you’re going for a walk, driving to work or cleaning the house! Listen now
20 Outstanding Leadership and Business Books You Should Read This Year, Selected by Adam Grant One of my favourite writers and thinkers is Work Psychologist Adam Grant. In January of this year, he curated a list of his book recommendations, one of which was a book by one of my favourite musicians, Alicia Keys. On March 31, my copy of her book More Myself about perfectionism, courage, privacy, and identity will ship. I always like her music, so I pre-ordered her book. See if any of the books catch your eye: view the full list on Inc.com.
Ted Talk: How to find the person who can help you get ahead at work The workplace is often presented as a meritocracy, where you can succeed by putting your head down and working hard. Wall Street veteran Carla Harris learned early in her career that this a myth. The key to actually getting ahead? Get a sponsor: a person who will speak on your behalf in the top-level, closed-door meetings you’re not invited to (yet). Learn how to identify and develop a productive sponsor relationship in this candid, powerful talk.
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