
Building Resilient Careers and Organizations.™

I/O Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour in the workplace.
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Black Psychology Section – CPA

There are two ways to join this section:

1 – Join the Section for Black Psychology without joining the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). This means you will be a Section Associate. This option is appropriate for individuals who do not qualify for membership (e.g., their degrees are in social work, counselling, psychotherapy, etc. rather than psychology) or are interested in joining only one section and receiving their section communication, along with a quarterly newsletter from the CPA.This is a two-step process. Click here.
2 – Join the Canadian Psychological Association AND join the Section for Black Psychology. Click here.


Would you like to know more? Here’s a profile of the Black Psychology Section that was written by the CPA for Black History Month, 2022.

One of our co-founders has also written a Q&A blog about Black Psychology. Read or listen here.

A Snapshot of Black Psychologists in Canada (2 page report, August 2023)

Our Section Page on the CPA website

For more information on the Section for Black Psychology please visit the link below.

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Black Psychology Hoodie

Purple Psi Hoodie

SDHToronto, the designers of Black Intelligence and other terrific causual wear has created some hoodies to honour Black Psychology!!






Sometimes it’s nice to wear our values.


Purple Black Intelligence hoodie to support Black Psychology

Indigenous Love Shirt








Upcoming Events

Typically, we host or co-host an event every month. Check back here and also follow us on Instagram and Twitter (our handle is @BlkPsychCPA on both channels) for additional info.

During the annual CPA convention in Ottawa from June 21 – 23, 2024 our Section hosted 13 (or 14?) events. The highlights are summarized here in this slideshow.


Supporting Parenting in the Digital Age: Evidence-Based Strategies to Foster Connection

This presentation aims to equip professionals with the tools and knowledge to support children and families in today’s digitally-driven world.

Attendees will learn evidence-based strategies to effectively help parents manage and limit screen time while also exploring empirically supported ways to mitigate the impacts of screen time.

Techniques for fostering stronger, more meaningful connections between children and their parents in the digital era will be discussed.


Free and online, click here to attend (ID: 842 1423 4766)


Replays of Past Events



For the Black Psychology Section’s 2024 Black History Month Event – Dr. Thema Bryant, the Past-President of the American Psychological Association, discussed “Liberation Psychology” from 12 pm  – 2 pm EST on Thursday, February 15, 2024. Click here for the replay.





Some of the Business Aspects of Psychology – Personal and Business Branding on Friday, Nov. 24 12 pm ET.

Presentation by Mr. TInashe Manolo, with a tech undergrad plus an MBA perspective – followed by a Q&A Session

If you missed the session, you can watch the replay here.