Boost employee engagement through behaviours and technology
Boost employee engagement through behaviours and technology

The following is a post on behavioural and technical ways to boost employee engagement that incorporates ideas from a similar article by Jayson Peltzer, CEO & Web Strategist, U7 Solutions.


So many organizations are still scrambling to catch up and implement modern web technology practices internally. We’ve all seen the power of social media, social networking, and user-generated content on the Internet, but how many organizations can say they are using this power to improve their bottom line?


People working cooperatively

Boost Employee Engagement

Interestingly, as I learned from Trefor Munn-Venn, some of the largest changes associated with social media are behavioural, not technical. The good news is that when you combine the technical and the behavioural aspects of modern web technology the possibilities are endless.


The Internet can be a beautiful place. It’s easy to meet new people, find like-minded people to collaborate with, to learn from others, to ask for help, and to get things done. In fact, for folks who tend to be introverted, the web can provide a mode of communicating and collaborating that suits their style. Meeting people, collaborating, learning, and help-seeking are all behaviours that are enabled by technology. Why not find ways to incorporate web technologies into the workplace that your staff already love using outside of work hours?


Organizational leaders are coming around to the idea that web technology can help, but have they yet realized that they can create this same experience within their own organizations too?

By transforming their static old corporate brochure website they call the Intranet, into a dynamic, up-to-date, two-way communication platform organizations can empower and engage their workforce towards the corporate mission! Loyalty, passion, personal drive, a sense of belonging – those can be words your employees use to describe their experience at your organization.


When people feel heard, they feel respected. When they feel respected, they feel like proud members of a team — they feel like they belong. That sense of belonging, can inspire them to want to know everyone, stay informed, and keep others informed. When they are connected and informed, they achieve more. And when your staff achieves more, your organization does too.


This cycle starts with the ability for each and every employee to express themselves and ends with a dramatic increase in employee engagement.


Interested in learning more? Signup for this upcoming lunch & learn in Ottawa on January 26th that I’m co-hosting with Jayson Peltzer.


More than career coaching, it’s career psychology®.


I/O Advisory Services – Building Resilient Careers and Organizations.™


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