
Building Resilient Careers and Organizations.™

I/O Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour in the workplace.
Get in touch today to find out how we can help you build a better career or a stronger organization.

Our Services

Why Choose Us?

Looking for solid advice and services for your sensitive career or HR-related problem? With her PhD in Work and Business Psychology, 20 years of relevant professional and 'lived' experience, plus her willingness and ability to think differently, Dr. Helen is hard to beat. Get the excellent results you deserve.

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Executive Coaching – Results Based On Advanced Psychology

executive coaching will help you navigate obstacles effectivelyCoaching for Leaders and Executives

Are you wondering if leadership and executive coaching deserve all the hype? The short answer is yes, it has a proven track record of results. In fact, the Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL) surveyed thousands of leaders around the world to investigate whether executive coaching delivers on its promises. Specifically, they reported that:

  • “coaching increases goal attainment, well-being and improvement in constructive leadership styles, and improvements in overall leadership effectiveness”
  • “98% of coachees said that their coach provided practical, realistic, and immediately usable input in addition to helping them identify specific behaviours that would help me achieve my goals.”
  • “almost all respondents (95%) said that to a moderate or high extent the coaching “was worth the time and effort required.”
  • for even more stats related to the return on investment (ROI) for coaching, review the graphs and whitepaper available directly from CCL


If you’re in a new leadership position and you want to make those crucial first 100 days in your new role go smoothly, consider investing in some leadership coaching. Customized leadership coaching is beneficial to emerging and aspiring leaders such as supervisors and managers — anyone who wants to improve their own and/or their team’s performance. Executive coaching is effective during the onboarding process for new leaders, or for experienced executives who are facing a challenging assignment or mandate.

executive coaching has a high ROII (Dr. Helen Ofosu) often work with professionals who are trying to squeeze maximum value out of their advanced degrees and experience. After gaining experience, lawyers, scientists, engineers, teachers, PhD holders, and others can become extremely good “individual contributors.” This means that they’re knowledgeable and effective in their field. For talented professionals, there is usually a point in their careers where they realize that in order to take the next step, they need to become better leaders. This may be because they plan to establish or grow their own practice, take on a more senior leadership role, or take on other bigger mandates or goals. Leadership or executive coaching is a smart choice for professionals who want to make full use of their potential. executive coaching has proven results

I understand that these are complicated times. The modern workplace is challenging because of the emerging impact of automation, the high prevalence of mental health problems including burnout, and new sensitivities post #MeToo. To add another layer of complexity, when women, people of colour, and members of other underrepresented groups attain a leadership or executive position, they face unique challenges. Clients who need additional support to navigate issues of diversity, inclusion, various gender issues, harassment/bullying can rest assured that I’m up to the challenge when the stakes are high. In addition, my vast network cuts across numerous sectors and helps keep me current and you in the know.


I am a Career and HR Psychologist with extensive experience in assessment, counselling, and HR matters. My background includes a PhD in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology (Workplace or Business Psychology) and almost 20 years of hard-earned professional experience. These overlapping domains provide valuable and rare insights that make me more effective at coaching and HR matters.


Executive coaching based on psychology

Since my qualifications are different from most executive coaches, I have access to more powerful and sophisticated leadership assessment tools. I help my clients gain precise and objective feedback on their strengths and weaknesses (or as I call them, ‘blind spots’). In many organizations, the performance feedback mechanism just isn’t enough to get this kind of information. Most managers and superiors are too busy. Plus, most people are uncomfortable giving honest feedback. Making better use of strengths and working around weaknesses is an important part of becoming more effective at work.


The package that I offer to leaders and executives includes:

  • a session to set the stage (e.g., an overview of the leader’s background, current role and anticipated goals and potential obstacles)
  • a precise psychometric assessment to help them (and me) get an objective understanding of their strengths, challenges, and underlying motivators
  • a feedback session to discuss the assessment results in depth so that leaders know how to make even better use of their strengths and we can create workarounds or strategies to prevent ‘blind spots’ from having an impact on their effectiveness
  • we’ll discuss current or emerging challenges and develop a concrete plan to maximize positive outcomes (this could include role-plays and opportunities to practice certain approaches in a risk-free environment, suggested readings/Podcasts, suggested tasks or projects at work or in a volunteer capacity to provide valuable learning opportunities)
  • Phone and video (e.g., Doxy.me, Google Meet/Hangouts, Zoom, Skype or FaceTime) appointments are available. These services are one-on-one and customizable.


I understand the demands and constraints of the Canadian federal public service since I worked as a Psychologist at the Public Service Commission, the Department of National Defence, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (currently known as Global Affairs Canada).

Since 2012, I have also gained valuable experience in the private sector working as a Consultant to small and medium-sized businesses and non-profits, while continuing to work with the public sector to provide standardized behavioural leadership assessments. As the founder and President of I/O Advisory Services, I also understand the realities and challenges of entrepreneurship – first hand – and from working with business leaders and owners.


To discuss these services in more detail, please call 613-424-8689 or 1-888-878-8861 or send an email to helen@ioadvisory.com. Or if you prefer, use this link to schedule a free 15-minute discovery call/initial consultation.

Dr Helen Ofosu, Career Coach and HR Consultant


I am also reachable via direct message on TwitterFacebook, or LinkedIn.


I/O Advisory Services – Building Resilient Careers and Organizations.TM