Resilience, Mental Health and Getting Through the Winter – You Heard it Here!
January 12, 2021



Resilience, Mental Health and Getting Through the Winter – You Heard it Here!

A   D I G I T A L   N E W S L E T T E R   F R O M

A Message From Dr. Helen

For me, September and January usually feel like new beginnings since I spent a huge chunk of my life in school, and I have been a parent for quite a while.

After such an intense 2020, that feeling of a fresh start feels even stronger than usual. After so many sudden changes and new routines, it is common to reconsider and re-evaluate a bunch of things. I am grateful that I still find my work meaningful, engaging, and satisfying. But, like so many other people, there is no doubt that I am doing certain things differently than I was 12 months ago. If you’re looking for someone objective to bounce career-related ideas off, please consider booking a free 15-minute call to discuss.

To prevent myself from feeling overwhelmed by our restricted circumstances, I tend to take things one or two weeks at a time (for me that is more practical than taking things one day at a time). In lieu of a winter holiday, my “project-to-tide-me-over-until-spring” is a book about navigating some of the common but challenging career dilemmas and setbacks that so many people need to deal with. As newsletter subscribers, you’ll hear about it here first!   In the meantime, I hope 2021 is kind to you,



Do You Have What It Takes to Build a Resilient Career?

We all experience twists and turns, ups and downs, in our personal lives and our careers. From everyday challenges to more traumatic, impactful events, nobody gets through life unscathed. But difficult circumstances don’t have to determine the outcome of your life or career. In this blog, I share strategies to help build your capacity for resilience at work.  READ MORE


Could We Be Facing a Mental Health Pandemic?

Despite the recent good news regarding vaccines, there is still a long way to go before they are produced and distributed in an impactful way. In the meantime, experts are concerned about the mental health of Canadians during the first full COVID-19 winter. What health professionals have known for a while, but the general public may not be as aware of, is the profound link between our mental and physical health. READ MORE


Still in School? Preparing for career success before you graduate.

For many recent graduates, one of the biggest regrets is “I should’ve probably started planning sooner.” With just a little more foresight and planning, you can start preparing for career success now, while still enjoying everything your post-secondary experience has to offer. Here are my top tips to get you started.  READ MORE




Workplace Culture & Inclusion Survey 

In October 2020, I started working on a survey to measure the workplace culture at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). It is a deep dive to explore employees’ experiences with challenging issues like bullying, harassment, discrimination, and racism. It is also an examination of employees’ experiences with inclusion at work. This is truly a collaborative effort. There’s a small team assembled, and I was thrilled to be invited to collaborate by Tina Walter, Thought Leader and Consultant in Diversity, Inclusion, and Modern Leadership.




Podcast: Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle Thankfully, some COVID-19 vaccines have been approved and delivered in Canada, the US, the UK and elsewhere. The prevailing wisdom is that by summer and fall, things will be much better. That means we need to get through the winter. Since most of us didn’t take our usual holidays last year and we’re dealing with ongoing restrictions, it can be hard to figure out how to cope. I discovered this podcast episode just before Christmas, and since I found it helpful, I’m sharing it here.



Podcast: Blind Spots in Leadership Another podcast that I’ve been enjoying is a digital safe space to hear stories about race at work – and learn from them. Leaders from business and government trace their personal journeys with race, equity, and inclusion. It’s a low key and easy way to learn from their mistakes and their triumphs.

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