Summer, what are you thinking about job wise?
July 11, 2017



Summer, what are you thinking about job wise?

Summer – Are you considering a change?  View this email in your browser

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time” – John Lubbock

Summer is here. When the sun comes out we can see things a little more clearly. This July as we celebrated Canada’s 150th anniversary (and the First Nations people’s presence here for 7000+ years), many of us spent time with friends and family, to enjoy nature and other hobbies. Did that camping trip allow you to think beyond the confines of your cubicle or the boundaries of your work role? If the start of this summer has cast a new light on budding aspirations for a change in your career or is allowing you to see troubling aspects within your workplace, it is time to take full advantage of I/O Advisory Services. Connect with me now for your free 20-minute initial consultation.

That burn could be from more than sun.

Over the years, I’ve seen a common trend where many professionals experience some form of burnout during the summer, either feeling distracted, unmotivated, or overwhelmed. Why do people feel this way when the calendar gets closer to July and August?  – Read More




“We can trust ourselves to know when our boundaries are being violated” – Melody Beattie

A while back, I heard a radio program about a butler who didn’t correctly understand his employer’s personal boundaries. This got me to think about how overstepping one’s workplace boundaries is a matter that stretches across the borders of most professions. Here are five tips to help you navigate these sometimes fuzzy boundaries. –Read More– New job or become self-employed. What’s in it for you? Part One.



Over the past five years, I’ve worked with clients in their 40s and 50s who were at a career crossroads. It’s a tough place to find yourself. There are so many options and implications to consider. Clients ask themselves, “Do I  stay and risk being made redundant later on? Or, do I sell the strengths and expertise that I’ve built up in this career as a solopreneur or business owner?”  This is an exciting but challenging task for everyone involved because often these people are well-qualified in their professions and are also accustomed to excellent earnings. The stakes are very high – many can’t afford to go from a solid salary to a considerably lower income. Many have no choice. Read More –

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