Career and Job Transition During a Pandemic (Part 1)
Career and Job Transition During a Pandemic (Part 1)

navigation signs during pandemic - harder context for job transitionMany of us are trying to make sense of the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic and how it will impact the economy, the job market, and our careers.


While some may have been considering a career or job transition before Covid-19 unexpectedly hit, for many others, the pandemic has forced them into a career transition. countless changes to small business makes job transition more complicated


Under normal conditions, navigating career or job transition is challenging. If a career change has been forced upon you, there is no doubt that it can feel overwhelming.



Here are some useful tips from some of my most popular blog posts to get you started!


1. What should you do first? — You’re likely facing the same kind of challenges that moms face while planning to return to work following time at home raising their kids. Many jobs are filled through informal networks and without any public advertising. This means that a good place to start is to let your friends and other contacts know that you’re planning to go back to work while considering whether you should enlist the help of a Career Coach / Counsellor or recruiter.


2. Returning to Work After an Absence — Because of the economic uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, you may have been forced into an absence you did not want or expect. It’s not surprising that many people describe looking for a job after a long work absence as ‘job-hunting’ because it can involve a breathless pursuit that often tires a person out. The struggle is real, and you’re definitely not alone! It’s a common experience even though not everybody talks about it publicly. so many jobs including hair styling have changed


3. Networking for Resilience — What do I mean by that? It isn’t about attending networking or social events and rushing around trying to make your pitch. We’ve all been on the receiving end of those encounters and probably don’t have fond memories from those situations. (Besides, this approach certainly feels incompatible with physical distancing and face masks that can muffle our voices.)  Rather, networking is a way to build resilience that will support a successful career. In my opinion, networking is about establishing a real connection that you can nurture into a meaningful and mutually beneficial professional relationship.


4. Three Ways to Build a Diverse Network — I know that for many people, networking is ‘played out’; the idea of networking may even inspire eye-rolling, but bear with me. For entrepreneurs, networking done right can lead to new and better business opportunities and long-term sustainability. For employees, establishing and maintaining professional relationships with colleagues, people in other divisions, former coworkers, etc. is important so that you can remain in the loop – and look out for others. Networking is important for remaining top of mind for higher quality employment and promotion opportunities. No doubt about it, being in an open network instead of a closed one is the best predictor of career success. Please check the link above for a more comprehensive explanation of the rationale for open networks.


5. How to Establish Credibility in a New Field — These days it’s becoming more common for people to change their careers after spending some time in the workforce. If you’re being forced into a career change because of the pandemic, how do you manage a job transition to a brand new field? How do you establish your credibility in your new field when you have not been in the new field for very long?


6. Why Psychology is Useful for Career Coaching — Our economy has changed dramatically, and what worked in the past may no longer apply. These structural economic changes and other factors will be playing out for years to come and the solutions that are required are not obvious. In this additional blog, I share concrete examples of the value of “Career Psychology” under specific but common work-related circumstances.


Even before the pandemic, it’s clear to me that the days of finding and keeping one job for the long haul or rising through the ranks within the same organization for an entire career is unlikely – except for people who find a great niche within the federal public service or another large employer.


Watch for Part 2 of this series as I offer more tips on navigating career transition during a pandemic.


If you’re contemplating any work-related changes or improvements, I invite you to reach out today for a free and confidential initial consultation by phoneemail, or via direct message on TwitterFacebook or LinkedIn.


More than career coaching, it’s career psychology®.


I/O Advisory Services – Building Resilient Careers and Organizations.™


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