A Message From Dr. Helen Canada Day has just passed and I’m finding it hard to believe that we’re 100+ days into ‘pandemic limbo.’
There’s no doubt that we’ve missed some important events, including graduations, weddings, anniversaries and other milestones that we’d normally celebrate differently. Some of us have struggled with or even lost loved ones due to COVID-19. Part of how I’m trying to endure these circumstances is to look for silver linings. A few work-related ones that I’ve noticed include: hard-working, introverted people are starting to be recognized for all that they do when, in the past, they may have been overshadowed by their more extroverted colleagues. Similarly, people with disabilities who normally had to fight hard to work from home are enjoying some parity with their colleagues who are also working from home. All the people who loved their work but not their toxic workplaces are enjoying the ability to work in relative peace from home. While not pandemic-related, there’s now growing awareness of the struggles that Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) people have been dealing with while trying to work.
How Working with Less Can Be More – Creativity and Constraints
The Coronavirus pandemic has forced most of us to adjust to unprecedented changes and constraints. While it is important to acknowledge that our new necessities are often frustrating and unpleasant, there is also a potential upside. It’s counter-intuitive, but we can make the most of these restrictions and let them fuel our creativity and innovation. On a personal level, this means figuring out ways to survive and ideally thrive, both personally and professionally. READ MORE
The One That Got Away: Being Passed Over for Promotion
Lately, with so much attention being paid to systemic racism, it is a reminder that people of colour are less represented as one climbs up the corporate ladder. This means that most Black, Indigenous, and people of colour (BIPOC) have experienced being passed over for a promotion they believed was deserved. READ MORE
Why Employee Networking Still Matters
Over the years, I’ve seen how people who are better connected are much more successful – regardless of their actual skill, talent, work ethic, or qualifications. Of course, having plenty of those never hurts. But the most successful people I know have kept on with their networking and kept up with their contacts. Here are some tips to help you keep networking. READ MORE
New Live Group Coaching Workshops
At the end of May, I conducted a survey to ask which group coaching workshops people were most interested in. Based on that information, I’ve delivered sessions on “Job Search Strategies and Succeeding at Job Interviews” and “Toxic Workplaces 101.” This summer, I’m excited to announce that I’ll be offering the following additional workshops: Solutions for Being Overqualified or Underemployed (July 9, 2020) Using Boundaries to Navigate the Modern Workplace (July 22, 2020) Covering at Work – When Your Workplace Isn’t Inclusive (August 4, 2020) Avoiding Burnout at Work (August 19, 2020) The Glass Cliff and Workplace Scapegoats (September 14, 2020) I’m happy to offer a 30% SUBSCRIBER-ONLY DISCOUNT to attend any of these sessions. Use the promo code ‘SubscriberDiscount’ when you register on Eventbrite to redeem the offer.
Racism in the workplace with Dr. Helen In case you missed it, last month I recorded a podcast episode for the Canadian Psychological Association about the ‘dual crises’ of COVID-19 and systemic racism.
Brene Brown’s podcast Unlocking Us Lately, I’ve been enjoying Brené Brown’s podcast Unlocking Us. Brené is a visiting professor of management at the University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business. For the past 20+ years, she’s been studying and writing about courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy.
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