What do HR Departments do?
What do HR Departments do?

Recent grads don't always know about HRDuring a recent chat with some new university graduates, we discussed the function of a Human Resources (HR) department. In the midst of that casual conversation, it occurred to me from their comments that while I have 20+ years of understanding of what goes on in the HR department, younger people who are just starting out might have no idea at all.


“They do the hiring. They’re like talent scouts,” one of them said.

“It’s where you go when you’re in trouble,” said another.

“It’s where you go when your boss is getting on your nerves,” another said and laughed.


And so, I thought I’d better go home and write up a new Q&A blog post.


Q: What does a Human Resources (HR) department do?

A: Broadly, the primary function of an HR department is to manage certain aspects of an organization’s workforce. This includes recruitment, onboarding, training, development, and ensuring compliance with labour laws and regulations.

HR functionsHR departments manage the process of identifying job vacancies and advertising roles. That can mean working with a manager to create a job description and a wish list for what would make an ideal candidate. Once the job is posted, they screen the applications, coordinate and participate in interviews, and work with a hiring manager to select candidates that best fit the organization’s needs and culture. (As noted in a previous blog, my take on “best fit” sometimes differs from how things play out in certain organizations).

HR helps shape and support organizational culture by upholding company values and behaviours. This starts with the recruitment process, corporate policies, and everyday practices that influence the work environment and employee interactions. Consequently, HR has a huge impact on organizational culture.

Key Word: Screening

Now, I want to go back to a key term above: screen applicants. That means screening in and screening out.

In other words, when you apply for a job, your goal is to get screened in. In the “old days,” a human read your resume, and decided whether it went in the yes pile or the round filing cabinet on the floor.

These days larger organizations are using technology to screen applications. That means your resume is being screened in or out by keywords and algorithms. Only the applicants making it past the technology are seen by human eyes.

And, once your resume makes it to a human, that human has their own conscious and unconscious biases. That’s why, as I explained in an earlier blog, hiring for “best fit” can work against even excellent candidates.

Q: Does HR contribute to employee career development?

A: HR Departments sometimes design and implement training programs, career development plans, and performance management systems to enhance employees’ skills, promote internal mobility, and increase job satisfaction.

Will HR actively help you get ahead? From what I have seen, I would say no. When you’re lucky, that happens more directly with your direct manager and his or her boss. For countless reasons, I believe it is important to be proactive and do what you can to manage your own career (for more on this, visit TheResilientCareer.com and browse the 250+ articles on this career management blog).

HR as a cog in a wheelAn HR department is only a cog in a larger organizational wheel. Company cultures have their own biases, meaning certain employees have to work harder to get on the radar for career development. Fortunately, a fairly recent development in more forward-thinking organizations is the BIPOC mentorship program, an intervention I believe can take organizations to a higher level.

Q: How do HR departments ensure compliance with labour laws?

A: One of the roles of an HR department is to stay informed about provincial and federal labour laws. It implements policies and practices that adhere to these regulations, such as workplace health and safety, employment equity, and workers’ compensation. Most of us have started a new job and been assigned by HR a long list of onboarding videos to ensure the organization is in compliance with labour laws.

Q: If I’m having a problem at work, do I go to HR?

A: Short answer: it depends. The HR department isn’t a general complaints department. For example, the behaviour of an annoying co-worker isn’t something you should take to HR. A coworker or manager creating a truly toxic workplace and/or breaking company rules or even breaking laws are things you could take to HR. In larger organizations, a better starting point could be an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a unit that offers informal conflict resolution or ombuds services. I’m emphasizing the word “could” since it depends on the organization, its policies, its culture and whether others facing similar circumstances faced reprisal(s).

Forward-thinking human resources departments work collaboratively to ensure employees are treated fairly while balancing the organization’s goals. However, an organization’s HR Dept ultimately works for the employer, not the employees.

If you find yourself at serious odds with your employer or struggling with harassment, bullying, or discrimination, you will probably benefit from a knowledgeable career coach and, if warranted, an employment lawyer.

If you’re having trouble at work, reach out today for a free and confidential initial consultation by phoneemail, or direct message on Twitter/XFacebook or LinkedIn.


Did this article spark any career-related questions, plans or concerns?


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If you enjoyed this topic or are interested in ongoing professional and leadership development, you’ll also enjoy reading or listening to How to Be Resilient in Your Career: Facing up to Barriers at Work, my book published by Routledge. It’s available in print, as an eBook, and on Audible.


More than career coaching, it’s career psychology®.


I/O Advisory Services Inc. – Building Resilient Careers and Organizations TM.

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