Career Options for Professionals and Aspiring Professionals
Career Options for Professionals and Aspiring Professionals

Recently, I’ve discussed some of the career-related challenges facing professionals and aspiring professionals. I’ve shared blog posts on career coaching for professionals and the pros and cons of buying a franchise versus starting a business from scratch

(Note – since publishing this article, I’ve written another article about the unique career-related needs of professionals and aspiring professionals.)

Many Franchises are More Affordable than Expected


career options should include entrepreneurship


Often when people think about franchises the big ones come to mind like Tim Horton’s, McDonald’s or Subway or perhaps big box restaurants. There are 1000’s of franchises available in North America. Many of those franchises are home-based and cost less than 50 K with a high return on investment (ROI). For example, there are options in the senior care and financial sectors.

Career Options for Aspiring Professionals and More Established Professionals

So, what’s out there for the young professional or the Senior Manager who is ready to go out on their own and be their own boss? Plenty.

There are executive franchises that are home-based. There are Owner/Operator models as well as models that allow for passive ownership where the owner has a much less active role in the day-to-day operation of the business. Want to deal with executives or the C-Suite and work from anywhere? Opus Franchise Connections has access to a franchise that allows this. Specifically, in this model, you’d be a consultant, looking at cost efficiencies. The training and support would all be included, a long history of experience isn’t required. There are many other lucrative business models out there that you’ve never heard of or perhaps models that you’ve heard of but just never considered.


career options should include


Do you still want to manage people and be home-based? There are several examples of alternative management models, in areas such as the financial sector, and training. You can run a niche staffing business from your home (or set up an office if you prefer) that offers a very high return on a very reasonable investment. Never considered that as a potential business?  This is a low cost, high margin business that can be run from home and is completely scalable. Want to start something part-time while you are still working elsewhere and build up to a full-time business? Want to work on your own? With Employees? There are franchises available to match all these options.

The Billion Dollar Question

Did you know that the cleaning industry is a billion-dollar industry? I am not suggesting that owners of cleaning franchises are out cleaning other people’s’ homes or businesses. They are not. They are running a million-dollar business. More MBA grads are running cleaning franchises than any other type of franchise.


Words Associated with Professional Franchising

Some Characteristics of Franchising


Whether it is a small business with a storefront you are after, a consulting business, or a scaleable home-based business there is a franchise to suit your needs. There are many services available through Opus Franchise Connection to help guide your choices and work through the options to find a model that is right for you.



Contact me by email, phone, or via direct message on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn if you’d like to discuss any of these topics in more detail.


More than career coaching, it’s career psychology®.


I/O Advisory Services – Building Resilient Careers and Organizations.™


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