Is Workplace Authenticity Practical or a Myth? – You Heard it Here!
March 9, 2021



Is Workplace Authenticity Practical or a Myth? – You Heard it Here!

A   D I G I T A L   N E W S L E T T E R   F R O M

A Message From Dr. Helen

According to meteorologists, spring started on March 1st. I appreciate that perspective. The clocks are springing forward, and the days are getting warmer and longer. It feels like a good time to focus on what’s possible. A lot has changed in the past year and although much of it has been difficult, we’ve all learned how to do and see certain things differently. As we transition into spring, I hope the wind is at your back and you’re inspired by this opportunity to reset.


The Value BIPOC Leaders Bring to Corporate Risk Management

Recent conversations with friends and colleagues have reminded me about the value of a 360-degree perspective. This type of orientation helps teams and organizations avoid blind spots and see around corners, thereby, anticipating challenges and preparing for opportunities. READ MORE



The Robots are Coming…and They’re Bringing Automation

With even more reliance on digital tools to work remotely, I am reminded about the impact of technology on employment. There’s some good news. READ MORE




Is Workplace Authenticity Practical or a Myth?

For several months, in part due to my ongoing research on corporate inclusion at Economic and Social Development Canada (ESDC), I have been preoccupied by all forms of workplace inclusion. I shared some of my thoughts in this blog. READ MORE





Continuing my Work in Inclusion   

In January and February 2021, much of my work has revolved around developing and delivering training on workplace inclusion and its impact on creativity and innovation, the psychological consequences of various forms of discrimination, and the history of racism in Canada. Although the topics were familiar to me, my audiences were somewhat different. I’ve been supporting the leadership teams at two churches in addition to private sector and government clients. I have learned a lot while sitting in the hot seat during the Q&A segments of many of these sessions.


Article: WFH is Corroding Our Trust in Each Other With remote work ongoing, maintaining trust is more important … and more difficult than ever. Here’s a resource that provides excellent food for thought.



Podcast: JJ Abrams Takes Adam’s Job Sometimes, I face challenges that are really hard to solve. When I stumbled upon this podcast episode it caught my eye since it was all about the value seeing things differently – or “rethinking.” In addition, Dr. Adam Grant, an Organizational Psychologist who I admire, shared some of the upsides of the Impostor Syndrome.


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