
Holistic HR Services – Solutions Based on Advanced Psychology

Most people enjoy working in an organization where people get along and where they’re able to be creative and productive. There are times, however, when leadership issues and interpersonal problems threaten an organization’s bottom line and it’s success/performance. Those are complicated situations because of what is at stake.

Signs and Symptoms that You Need Holistic HRSigns and symptoms that suggest that your organization may be experiencing this category of problems include:

  • Absenteeism
  • Presenteeism (people are at work, but not productive)
  • High turnover
  • Poor interpersonal relationships or conflict on teams and/or between leaders/managers and their direct reports
  • Counterproductive work behaviours (e.g., theft, fraud, sabotage, insider threats)
  • Complaints of harassment/bullying, racism and/or discrimination grievances, and the risk of lawsuits

Each of these symptoms carries significant direct and indirect costs that reduce an organization’s profitability.



holistic hr covers the full cycleWhen harassment, bullying, discrimination or problems related to people in leadership positions get to a certain point, it’s riskier to ignore the problems than deal with them. But how? Our Holistic HR Services include:

  • Developing a keen awareness of the link between behaviour and productivity/profit
  • A non-traditional approach to workplace investigations that is focused on understanding (and when possible, preserving relationships) rather than assigning blame
  • Leadership assessments and leadership/executive coaching to improve self-awareness of leadership behaviours and leadership executive coaching
  • Support for leaders and victims from clinical psychologists or other mental health professionals who understand the unique pressures and demands that leaders and executives face
  • Re-visit roles, responsibilities, organizational structure, and reporting relationships
  • Support for leaders who may need to deal with personal issues that are spilling over into the workplace
  • Strategic staffing to compensate for gaps/problem areas
  • When appropriate, support from experienced mediators; conflict resolution specialists
  • Advice and interventions from strategic and values-oriented employment/labour lawyers
  • Outplacement services (career coaching) for people who’ve been affected and for whom it’s too difficult to stay in their position


discretion practiced in psychology words

Our team is built of PhD level psychologists with specializations in Work or Business Psychology (officially known as Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology) and Clinical Psychology. As a group, we have over 60 years of combined experience in the private sector, government, non-profits, and dealing with medical/legal issues (e.g., short-term and long-term disability, addictions, disabilities, etc.).

To discuss these services, please call 613-424-8689 or send email to helen@ioadvisory.com or contact me via direct message on TwitterFacebook, or LinkedIn.


I/O Advisory Services – Building Resilient Careers and OrganizationsTM.