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Psychological Safety Should Not be an Afterthought
So much has been said about the importance of psychological safety. As leaders, how does one create psychologically safe workplaces teams and cultures? And where there’s a leadership vacuum or simply a bad work environment, how can individuals preserve or bolster their own psychological safety?

Purpose-driven or financially driven work?
PwC surveyed more than 52,000 workers in 44 countries. The results indicate that workers are increasingly unhappy with their current situation and are looking for new opportunities. The biggest motivator for a job change is reportedly more money, yet the survey also reports that fulfilment at work is just as important.

Overcoming Nerves in a Job Interview
There’s no doubt about it — a job interview is a nerve-wracking experience! It’s natural to feel nervous before a job interview. After all, it’s an important event with the potential to shape your future, and you are on the hot seat. But it’s important to remember that almost everyone feels nerves at some point before an interview. It’s a sign that you care about the opportunity and want to do your best.

Returning to IRL networking?
Anyone who’s ever been to an in-person networking event knows that they can be, well, a little awkward. As we re-adjust to in-person interactions after such a long time, things may feel even more awkward than usual. Standing around with a bunch of strangers, trying to make small talk and exchange business cards – it can feel like a lot of pressure to make a good impression.

How to Stand Out in an Interview: Part Two
In my last blog How to Stand Out in an Interview: Part One, I wrote about some of the ways to answer the interview question, “Why are you the best candidate for this job.” In Part Two I’ll explain how to really make your answer stand out. Hiring managers want to know why you’re the right person for their organization. Give them what they want!

How to Stand Out in an Interview: Part One
The interview is going so well. Your answers are flowing naturally; you feel like you’re nailing it; the job is yours for sure. You feel it starting to wind down, and you know what’s coming next. “Why should we hire you? Why do you think you’re the best candidate for this job?”

What’s Your Leadership Style? Part Two
In Part One of this two-part series, we looked at Autocratic and its opposite approach, Democratic/Participative leadership styles. This time, in Part Two I’ll describe Transformational, Delegative and Transactional leadership styles.

What’s Your Leadership Style? Part One
When it comes to leadership styles, which one is right for you? Each style has its own benefits and drawbacks, so if you’re in a position of leadership it’s important to figure out which one will work best for you and your organization or business.