Pandemic Flux and Work

Pandemic Flux and Work

Pandemic Flux: Why Many of Us Are Rethinking … Everything Recently, I have been reflecting on the “Big Quit” that seems to be happening across many workplaces and documented in countless articles. Some of those reflections are described in my recent two-part blog on...
What Really is Allyship? – You Heard it Here!

What Really is Allyship? – You Heard it Here!

A   D I G I T A L   N E W S L E T T E R   F R O M A Message From Dr. Helen In Canada and the US, one of the annual milestones in May is Mother’s Day. Like so many other people, this will be my second Mother’s Day in a row without being able to see my mom. I am...
What Really is Allyship? – You Heard it Here!

The Portfolio Career (Part 1 of 2)

I often talk about building resilient careers, in fact, it’s part of my tagline “Building Resilient Careers and Organizations.™” It’s only in retrospect that I noticed that I’ve also been building a portfolio career. The portfolio career involves having several income...