
My Top 5 Blogs of 2023: Insights & Reflections for Professional Growth

Welcoming a new year brings an opportunity to reflect on our professional growth. My 2023 was filled with thought-provoking discussions, new challenges, and interesting topics – especially around ongoing post-pandemic changes in the workplace (and personally), plus continuing to prioritize our mental well-being.

Perfectionism and the Model Minority Myth: How they Damage POC

Perfectionism is characterized by the drive to appear, feel, and be perfect. It’s often driven by a fear of failure, feelings of unworthiness, low self-esteem, and adverse childhood experiences. In 2022, I was one of five co-founders of the Canadian Psychological...

Destigmatizing Perimenopause and Menopause at Work

Although the symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause are private – these are issues that women can’t “leave at home.” These are symptoms that follow employees to work. Ignoring the impact of perimenopause and menopause symptoms won’t lessen their impact and won’t contribute to psychological safety or productivity.

The Insidious Impact of Workplace Jealousy

What happens when we see others succeeding at work?  Does it trigger inspiration, or does it trigger workplace jealousy?

I am grateful that I have seen countless examples in life and at work when the presence of excellence is so inspirational that others realize what may be possible for them, and they act accordingly. This may play out as extra effort, extra training, more research, and other healthy and appropriate behaviours to “level up” and live one’s best life. Most of us have seen this in action, and it is glorious. Everybody feels wonderful. But it doesn’t always play out this way …

Scapegoats and the Glass Cliff: When Careers Get Derailed

Scapegoating and the glass cliff may sound like something made up or exaggerated. In this article, I’ll break down what these terms mean, who they affect and why.

Less Lonely at the Top: the Rewards of Leadership & Executive Coaching

It’s lonely at the top. Modern leadership includes responsibility for staff in work environments that have grown much more complex – while also maintaining productivity and profitability. It’s no wonder that there’s growing acceptance for and use of executive and leadership coaching.

It’s Impolite to Discuss Politics at Work – But What About Values?

We’re all entitled to our political and religious beliefs, and we’re entitled to keep those private. With that said, when it comes to values, our silence speaks volumes.

Read or Hear the Latest Blog Posts

Work Simulations Can Be Your Best Friend …

Work Simulations Can Be Your Best Friend …

Personally, I’m a big fan of simulations and tests as a useful supplement to job interview questions. Some people are good at talking (i.e., “performing” well during a job interview) but not doing (i.e., performing well on the job). Ideally, during the hiring process, employers should confirm that potential hires are able to perform the most important duties required of the job. For me, it allows me to mix creativity and practicality when working for employers / business owners. At the same time, I like knowing that it creates a level playing field for job seekers.

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More about our services …

We offer precise, discrete, practical, and personalized counselling, coaching, and HR services that are based on I/O psychology. This helps clients benefit from tried-and-tested advice and techniques when aiming to build the best possible career for themselves … and when hiring and developing employees.

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Need Career Change? Want a Career Change?

Contact I/O Advisory Services for Effective Career Counselling, Coaching, and Consulting Services for Clients in Ottawa, Toronto, the GTA, Barrie, and other areas. Find your career path. Find your life path. When it comes to examining the key areas of your life, I've...

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What is Industrial and Organizational Psychology?

Also known as I/O Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology is the scientific study of working and the application of that science to workplace issues facing individuals, teams, and organizations. The scientific method is applied to investigate issues of critical relevance to individuals, businesses, and society.

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Do I Need a Degree to Get a Good Job?

Do I Need a Degree to Get a Good Job?

When you’re looking for work and you don’t have a university degree, your best bet is to look for positions that are being offered by smaller companies that do not use an automated / electronic resume screening system. In these situations, your resume will be reviewed by a person who can see the skills and experience that you have acquired and set your resume aside for a second look. In contrast, the automated systems may reject your resume if it does not include a degree, regardless of your other qualifications.

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